When you operate a whole commercial fleet, it’s important to have an effective maintenance schedule for your radiators. Without proper planning and organisation, you may find parts of your fleet require expensive truck radiator repairs or even more costly engine repairs. Find out how to keep your fleet radiators working smoothly over many years, with Applied Radiators.
Preventative action with professional maintenance is the best way to ensure that you can minimise downtime and repair costs across your commercial fleet. When you have so many vehicles to manage, it’s always the best policy to treat prevention as better than cure, so your vehicles stay on the road for as long as possible.
Repairing radiators and the resulting damage to the engine that a faulty radiator can lead to, is far more expensive than performing the simple maintenance required to keep them running smoothly. By investing in ongoing radiator services across your fleet, you can save money in the long run and ensure your business keeps operating at maximum efficiency.
The radiator, hoses, and connections should be visually inspected at regular intervals for signs of damage, leaks, or corrosion. Check for coolant leaks and any strange deposits.
Replace your vehicle's coolant according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Maintaining effective cooling and avoiding corrosion requires regularly replacing the coolant. You might also want to think about getting a pressure test done on your cooling system. Even if a leak isn't obviously large, this test can reveal its presence.
If you want to really ensure your commercial fleet stays on the road, it pays to get a professional team of radiator specialists to take care of maintenance for you. At Applied Radiators, we have a wealth of experience in serving commercial clients with a comprehensive fleet maintenance package. Find out more about our truck radiator repairs and maintenance by contacting our team today.